A Beginner’s Guide to Reading the Bible: Easy and Printable Plan

Close-up of hands holding a brown leather-bound Holy Bible with the title embossed on the cover. The background is softly blurred, featuring natural light and greenery, evoking a serene and contemplative mood.

Reading the Bible can feel overwhelming, especially if it’s your first time.

With so many books, passages, and themes, it’s hard to know where to begin. But don’t worry—this Bible reading plan for beginners is designed to make things simple and approachable.

If you’ve been wanting to read the entire Bible or just explore key passages, having a plan is the best way to stay on track.

Inside, you’ll find an easy, one-year plan that breaks the Bible into manageable daily readings, so you can grow in your faith and deepen your understanding of God’s Word—one day at a time.

And to make it even simpler, there’s a free printable included to help you stay motivated and keep track of your progress.

What Makes This Bible Reading Plan Beginner-Friendly?

This plan is specifically designed with beginners in mind. Here’s why it’s the best bible reading plan out there, especially if if you’re just starting your Bible-reading journey:

  • Short and Manageable Daily Readings: Each day, you’ll spend just 15–20 minutes reading, making this plan easy to fit into even the busiest schedules.
  • Balanced Approach: This plan includes both Old Testament and New Testament readings every day, so you get a well-rounded understanding of the Bible’s message.
  • Covers the Entire Bible in a Year: You’ll read through all 66 books of the Bible over the course of a year, giving you a complete view of God’s Word without requiring hours of study each day.

    A year may seem like a long time, but breaking the Bible into 365 daily readings makes it more achievable for beginners and new Christians who may not have much experience with reading Scripture.

Miss a day? No problem! Simply pick up where you left off or catch up when you can.

While I encourage you to give this structured approach a try for at least 30 days to help you stay consistent, you can choose to just move forward at your own pace at any time.

The goal is daily progress, not perfection. Just promise me (and yourself) that you’ll enjoy your journey through the whole Bible and let God’s Word speak to your heart no matter which path you take.

How This Bible Reading Plan Works

This daily Bible reading plan is structured to make reading the entire Bible in one year both manageable and meaningful.

Here’s how it’s organized:

  • Daily Format: Most days include one passage from the Old Testament and one from the New Testament.

    This balanced approach gives you a deeper understanding of the Word of God while keeping the readings varied and engaging.
  • Chronological Order: The chronological plan follows an approach that helps you read books of the Bible in the order they were written or the events occurred.

    This makes it easier to see the historical context and connect key themes across both Testaments.
  • Monthly Reflections: Every 30 to 31 days, there is a suggested reflection and time for meditation on the passages read during the month.

    This allows you to slow down, dive deeper into what you’ve read, focus on the Good News, and apply it to your life.

Now let’s dive into the details!

The One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Are you ready to get started? This one-year Bible reading plan is designed to make reading your Bible simple and approachable, with daily readings that take just 15–20 minutes.

It’s a great way to spend quiet time with God each day and build a habit of daily Bible study that fits into your routine.

Below is a sample of the first 14 days to give you a preview:

Sample Plan: Days 1–14

Day 1: Genesis 1–2, Matthew 1

  • Genesis 1–2: Start with the story of creation, where God brings the world into existence and creates humanity in His image.
  • Matthew 1: Discover the genealogy of Jesus, connecting Him to God’s promises in the Old Testament, and read about the events leading to His birth.

Day 2: Genesis 3–5, Matthew 2

  • Genesis 3–5: Learn about the fall of humanity, the consequences of sin, and God’s continued work through Adam’s family line.
  • Matthew 2: Read about the birth of Jesus, the visit of the Magi, and how God protects His Son from King Herod.

Day 3: Genesis 6–8, Matthew 3

  • Genesis 6–8: Follow Noah’s journey, the great flood, and God’s covenant promise symbolized by the rainbow.
  • Matthew 3: Witness the preparation for Jesus’ ministry through John the Baptist and Jesus’ baptism.

Day 4: Genesis 9–11, Matthew 4

  • Genesis 9–11: Explore the aftermath of the flood, God’s covenant with Noah, and the Tower of Babel.
  • Matthew 4: See Jesus resist temptation in the wilderness and begin His ministry with the calling of His first disciples.

Day 5: Genesis 12–14, Matthew 5:1–26

  • Genesis 12–14: Meet Abram (later Abraham) as God calls him to leave his home, promising to make him the father of a great nation.
  • Matthew 5:1–26: Begin the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus shares the Beatitudes and teaches about living as citizens of God’s kingdom.

Day 6: Genesis 15–17, Matthew 5:27–48

  • Genesis 15–17: Witness God’s covenant with Abram and the promise of Isaac, despite the seeming impossibility of their situation.
  • Matthew 5:27–48: Continue the Sermon on the Mount, focusing on the call to love your enemies and live righteously.

Day 7: Genesis 18–20, Matthew 6:1–18

  • Genesis 18–20: Read about God’s promise to Abraham and Sarah, the judgment of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Abraham’s intercession for Lot.
  • Matthew 6:1–18: Learn from Jesus about prayer, fasting, and giving with a heart focused on God rather than outward appearances.

Day 8: Genesis 21–23, Matthew 6:19–34

  • Genesis 21–23: Celebrate the birth of Isaac, Abraham’s obedience in offering him to God, and Sarah’s death and burial.
  • Matthew 6:19–34: Hear Jesus’ teachings about trusting God for provision and prioritizing His kingdom over worldly worries.

Day 9: Genesis 24, Matthew 7

  • Genesis 24: Follow the touching story of Isaac and Rebekah, where God’s providence is evident in their union.
  • Matthew 7: Conclude the Sermon on the Mount with Jesus’ teachings about judgment, prayer, and building a strong foundation of faith.

Day 10: Genesis 25–26, Matthew 8:1–17

  • Genesis 25–26: Read about the next generation with Isaac and Rebekah, the birth of Jacob and Esau, and God’s promises to Isaac.
  • Matthew 8:1–17: See Jesus’ power displayed through healings and miracles, revealing His authority and compassion.

Day 11: Genesis 27–28, Matthew 8:18–34

  • Genesis 27–28: Learn about Jacob’s journey, his dream of the ladder reaching heaven, and God’s promises to him.
  • Matthew 8:18–34: Witness Jesus’ authority over nature and demons as He calms the storm and heals the demon-possessed men.

Day 12: Genesis 29–30, Matthew 9:1–17

  • Genesis 29–30: Follow Jacob’s love story with Rachel, his marriage to Leah, and the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel.
  • Matthew 9:1–17: See Jesus’ authority to forgive sins, His calling of Matthew, and His teachings about mercy and new beginnings.

Day 13: Genesis 31–32, Matthew 9:18–38

  • Genesis 31–32: Read about Jacob’s return home, his reconciliation with Esau, and his wrestling with God.
  • Matthew 9:18–38: Be amazed by Jesus’ power to heal, His compassion for the crowds, and His call for workers in the harvest.

Day 14: Genesis 33–35, Matthew 10:1–23

  • Genesis 33–35: See the resolution of Jacob and Esau’s conflict, the tragedy in Shechem, and God’s reaffirmation of His covenant with Jacob.
  • Matthew 10:1–23: Read about Jesus sending out the twelve disciples with instructions for their mission.

This is just the beginning!

The complete 365-day reading plan guides you through the entire Bible in a year, with daily readings from both the Old and New Testaments to keep things fresh and engaging.

You’ll explore different parts of the Bible and focus on key topics that help deepen your understanding of God’s Word.

To get the full plan, you can download the free printable Bible reading plan for beginners below.

It’s an easy way to track your progress, stay consistent, and enjoy this transformative journey through God’s Word.

Download Your One-Year Bible Reading Plan Here

Simply click the following link or image below, enter your email address, and your free printable will be available for immediate viewing AND also be delivered straight to your inbox!

Tips for Success with Your Bible Reading Plan

To make the most of this one-year Bible reading plan, keep these practical tips in mind:

  • Pick a Quiet Time: Find a consistent time each day to focus on your readings, whether it’s in the morning, during lunch, or before bed. Spending time with God is the most important thing.
  • Choose a Beginner-Friendly Bible Translation: Versions like the NIV, NLT, or NKJV are great options for new believers and make Scripture easier to understand.
  • Reflect and Take Notes: Use a journal or study Bible to jot down thoughts or questions about each Bible passage you read.
  • Don’t Stress About Missed Days: Life happens! Simply pick up where you left off. This year reading plan is about consistency, not perfection.
  • Use a Mobile App for Convenience: Apps like Bible Gateway give you quick access to the readings and allow you to explore additional resources like devotionals or commentaries.
  • Focus on Key Passages and Themes: Take time to reflect on the different topics covered in each reading, be it Old Testament books or New Testament passages.
  • Start Small: If a one-year plan feels overwhelming, try other simple Bible reading plans (such as the one shown here) to build the habit step by step over 30 days to start.
  • Find Your Best Place: Create a comfortable and distraction-free space for your daily scripture readings to make your study time more effective.

A Prayer Before Beginning Your One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the gift of Your Word, which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

As I begin this journey through the Bible, I ask for Your guidance and understanding.

Open my heart and mind to receive the truths You have for me each day.

Help me to stay consistent and focused, even when life gets busy, and remind me that this time spent with You is never wasted.

Teach me more about Your love, Your promises, and Your plans for my life.

May this journey deepen my faith and draw me closer to You.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. 


FAQs About Bible Reading Plans for Beginners

Starting a Bible reading plan can raise some questions, especially if it’s your first time. Here are answers to some common concerns:

1. What if I find a passage hard to understand? 

It’s okay!

Some parts of the Bible can be challenging, even for seasoned readers.

Try using a study Bible or looking up explanations online.

Focus on the overall message rather than getting stuck on every detail, and don’t hesitate to ask a pastor or trusted mentor for guidance.

2. Is there a wrong way to follow this plan? 

Not at all.

The important thing is to stay consistent and spend time in God’s Word, even if you don’t stick to the schedule perfectly.

If you miss a day, just pick up where you left off or adjust the plan to your pace.

This plan is a tool to help you grow, not a rigid rulebook.

3. How much time do I need daily? 

Each day’s readings should take about 15–20 minutes.

If you have extra time, consider reflecting on what you’ve read, journaling, or praying about how to apply it to your life.

4. Can I start this plan at any time, or does it need to be January 1? 

You can start this plan anytime—it doesn’t have to be the New Year.

Just pick a date, and work your way through the plan.

The goal is simply to complete it over the course of a year, regardless of when you begin.

5. What if I don’t have much Bible-reading experience? 

This plan is designed for beginners and new believers, so it’s a great fit even if you’re reading the Bible for the first time.

The mix of Old Testament readings and New Testament passages provides a balanced introduction to the Word of God.

6. Should I stick to one Bible translation? 

It’s a good idea to choose a translation that feels approachable for you.

Popular beginner-friendly options include the New International Version (NIV), New Living Translation (NLT), and New King James Version (NKJV).

7. How do I get the full plan? 

To get the complete one-year Bible reading plan, be sure to access the free printable included with this post.

It’s a great resource to help you track your progress and stay motivated.

Each day includes a checkbox, so you can mark off your readings on the printable Bible reading checklist as you go—a simple and satisfying way to both stay on track and see how far you’ve come!

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